Katy Perry’s very happy ‘Birthday’


One of Michael Jackson’s hallmarks was elaborate and exciting music videos that weren’t just about illustrating the song. At a time when Jackson is posthumously making a new mark, Katy Perry, a pop superstar herself, seems to be taking up the mantle by creating elaborate videos, although hers are done with some knowing humor. Continue reading

Cascada’s ‘Glorious’ new single


Cascada, who has broken through over the years with a few tracks in the U.S., is making waves overseas with their latest track, “Glorious,” which is a catchy taste of dance-pop from the group that brought us such gems as “Evacuate the Dancefloor.” For those who just sort of thought they disappeared after “Dancefloor,” it’s a bit more complicated than that; “Glorious” proves to be a high point, and a return to form, for Natalie Horler and producers Manian and Yanou. Continue reading