My voracious appetite for eBooks for a number of years (lately, it’s been off, but that’s because I’ve shifted back to print for a bit for a few series I always read each winter) means I’ve continued to watch carefully the progress of the eBook settlements with interest. Sadly, the wait continues, but there’s finally a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.
The eBook settlement site saw an update late last week, and the update explains that although an appeal was filed, it should not delay the delivery of the settlement funds, but then said that the process should be complete by April. That does finally put a more confident window on when those of us patiently waiting can see our share, but it also means another couple of months of waiting, although at this point, given how long it’s been, it could certainly be worse.
So, it’ll be time to go book shopping in the spring; my wish list is brimming with books awaiting a read, so it’ll be good to dive in.