Back in March, I talked about Cathy Dennis, her evolution from singer/songwriter to being a songwriter behind some potent hits over the years, and why I’ve always enjoyed her. Last night, I discovered iTunes has added “Into the Skyline,” her second album, to their catalog. Despite owning two copies on CD, I just purchased it again (I’ve only done this for one other artist: Swing Out Sister, who I’ll be seeing next month on my birthday, and of whom a more full entry will eventually arrive).
At the time I wrote about her, I didn’t share a story about one of her songs and how I came to know her catalog more fully, a journey that’d never happen today thanks to the Internet, but probably adds a lot more meaning today, particularly for this album. There are certain artists whose songs or albums stick with me, pop up in odd places, and are songs I turn to in certain situations. “Into the Skyline” is one of those, particularly the track “Moments of Love.” As such, to mark the occasion of her finally getting her due on the digital marketplace, here’s how I came to be a major fan of hers. Continue reading