Calvin Harris returns, in spring, with ‘Summer’


Awhile back, when Calvin Harris was charting with “Feel So Close,” while at the same time seeing success with productions sung by other artists, he said in an interview that the days of him singing solo were over. Thankfully, he backed off that statement, as new song “Summer” is poised to be another huge anthem for him.

“Summer,” the video for which was released today, follows in the footsteps of his other solo hits: Catchy beat, simple yet focused lyrics.  Harris’ singing style fits like a glove to the track.

Thankfully, the producer/songwriter opted to keep going with performing some of his own material, which I think is a good thing, as although other artists have certainly brought his songs to amazing heights, with tracks like “Summer,” I don’t really think another artist could’ve brought the song to light in the same way.  Kudos to Harris for what will surely be another major summer hit.

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