This post is really just so I can have a moment to LOOK AT DA PUPPY. Last fall scientists examined how dogs drink, just out of curiousity. The results led to video from various places, such as the New York Times.
Tag Archives: study
Fitting a city into a ‘healthy’ county
Fairfield County, because of its size, proximity to New York, and its diversity, many times finds its residents categorized broadly when the details aren’t nearly as black and white. A recent example was a fitness study that categorized the fittest regions. Continue reading
HTML is… an STD?
I sometimes wonder where they find people for surveys; Family Feud doesn’t seem to have much trouble finding 100 people to answer questions, but when headlines like “1 in 10 Americans think HTML is an STD, study finds,” I scratch my head a bit. It starts to feel like more or less a dart throw. Continue reading
Former rail committee chair forms Commuter Action Group
Since the derailment last year in Bridgeport, commuters have become increasingly restless; to many, the ongoing problems, late trains, and seeming lack of communication about these and other issues are making commuters, who spend hundreds of dollars a month on commuter passes, restless about the quality of the service they’re receiving. Continue reading