Jam and Candy reunites the original Boxerjam team


One of my post popular posts on the blog so far is about the demise of Boxerjam, an early leading gaming platform site that created interactive online “game shows” that people could play with friends and other online users, gameplay which remains somewhat unique and elusive more than a decade later. A notable fact was it was founded by Julann Griffin, who, while wife to Merv Griffin, was credited with co-creating Jeopardy! She’s long been credited with asking Merv why he didn’t flip the standard Q&A and give the answers, and have people provide the questions? Continue reading

From big budgets to guerilla games


The enormous budgets of A-list video game titles, and the risks they bring, along with huge successes by indie publishers like the successful Threes! game written about here earlier, have encouraged game companies to think smaller when it comes to a portion of their release schedule. Continue reading