It’s a holiday tradition, the most recent edition which aired this past week. But no, it’s not “A Charlie Brown Christmas” or anything like that. It’s the annual performance by Darlene Love of “Christmas (Please Come Home)” on David Letterman’s show. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Darlene Love
Christmas Present: 2 years in review (and Spotify playlist!)
The second Christmas Present season comes to a close today, given today is Christmas day. To give you something to enjoy the holiday, this year I’ve compiled 20 posts of Christmas Present selections (at least what’s available anyway) into a Spotify playlist. Continue reading
Christmas Present: Leona Lewis’ ‘Christmas with Love’
Leona Lewis, who made waves with “Bleeding Love” a few years back after winning the third season of the U.K. version of “The X Factor,” is back with a new Christmas album thanks to Simon Cowell’s label. “Christmas With Love” is a serious throwback album, but that’s part of what makes it fun. Continue reading
Christmas Present: Cascada’s ‘Last Christmas’
Today’s Christmas Present looks at a group that had some success breaking through with dance music in the U.S., Cascada. The group released a Christmas album in 2012 called “It’s Christmas Time” that largely eschews the rhythmic music they’re known for, to mediocre results, but it’s their rendition of “Last Christmas,” recorded during their hey day, that prompts this entry. Continue reading
Christmas Present: Honey & the Bees’ “Jing Jing a Ling”
In the introductory post, I mentioned that classics should lightly be sprinkled in. Of course, they don’t all have to be the obvious choices either, as today’s selection shows. Continue reading